Home> Archive> 2024> Volume 14, Number 5, 2024
IJSSH 2024 Vol.14(5): 231-236
doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2024.14.5.1220

Vietnam's Contextual Perspective on National Interests

Thuy Thanh Thi Nghiem 1, Hanh Hong Bui 2, and Huong Thu Thi Doan 3,*
1. International Department, Communist Review, University of Social Science and Humanity, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2. Faculty of International Studies, University of Social Science and Humanity, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
3. Institute of Human Geography, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and Humanity, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: nthuy1310@yahoo.com (T.T.T.N.); hanhbh@vnu.edu.vn (H.H.B.); huongdoan1907@gmail.com (H.T.T.D.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received April 2, 2024; revised May 14, 2024; accepted June 3, 2024; published September 26, 2024.

Abstract—This paper investigates the primary Documents of Vietnamese Communist Party and Vietnamese government’s experiences in implementing the Doi Moi (renovation) under the impact of the world’s constantly changing context. From there, it shows that in each stage and context, Vietnam has adjusted its perspective to adapt to new situation. The paper has analyzed the substance, elements that lay impacts on the concept and the process of implementation to ensure national interests in the international relations, as well as the implementation to ensure the maximization of Vietnam’s national interests; thus, the concrete recommendations for Vietnam have been made in ensuring the highest national interests in the new context.

Keywords—national interests, new context, Vietnam’s foreign policy

Cite: Thuy Thanh Thi Nghiem, Hanh Hong Bui, and Huong Thu Thi Doan, "Vietnam's Contextual Perspective on National Interests," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 231-236, 2024.

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